Kathleen Delaney
Lessons and Masterclasses for Music Conservatories
Playing a music instrument requires dexterity and coordination, but mostly, requires a state of presence, a strong connection between body and mind, intention and expression.
The body is the medium that, before the instrument itself, will reveal the musical thinking and will, or will not, allow the energy to flow into the performance.
The awareness of the physical act of playing is of greater importance for any musician. Posture has a huge effect on sound production, rhythmical precision, and dynamics.
Kathleen Delaney has developed a program based on rhythmic practice, sensory and proprioceptive games and individual lessons based on the Alexander Technique and her own original research in the field of movement and rhythm.
The aim of her classes is that of making students more aware of their habitual ways of thinking and performing, in such a way that they can discover new and more coordinated patterns of use.
The body awareness course by Prof. Delaney has allowed me to experience the fascinating relationship between music and body, music and movement, imagination, creativity, and improvisation. I was able to experience synesthesia, multi-and inter-sensory experiences in relation to myself and my classmates. Body, rhythm, voice, silence, dance, feelings, fantasy ... everything was integrated into a single set of strength, vitality, energy. Really a memorable, formative, rewarding experience.
Matilde Pirazzini, Jazz dept.
Conservatorio "B. Maderna", Cesena, Italy
Since the first time, I always felt great—during and after lesson.
Kathleen makes me feel at ease and comfortable from the beginning and this allows an easier and more natural understanding of the correct posture.
I like especially that my body movement directions are read very precisely, so every time I do an unpredicted mistake I always get a clear explanation and I can fix the problem immediately.
Alessandro Ambrosi, Accordion Master Student,
Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen